How To Flatten Area Rugs and Remove Wrinkles?

Do you have area rugs with creases, wrinkles, and bumps, and you are looking for some tricks to flatten them? Then you've landed in the right place. Read on to get rid of this problem. You might notice some issues with your area rugs if you rearrange a room for visitors or a change of scenery. 

Fortunately, dings, creases, and bumps are minor issues that are simple to repair. Your area rugs may look brand new with a bit of attention.  Try these methods to get your area rugs to lay flat if you're wondering how to flatten a rug and frequently vacuuming just isn't making it.

Steam Your Rug to Get Rid of Creases and Wrinkles

Using steam can revive damaged carpet fibers. You should exercise caution if your area rug is made of synthetic material, such as nylon or polypropylene, as it may melt if exposed to intense heat. 

However, if challenging creases or dents prevent your rug from lying flat, you can still remove them with a steam iron. Put a moist cloth over the trouble spot and select the steam setting on your iron. To prevent scorching your towel or the carpet underneath, press the iron against the towel in brief bursts.

Also Read: Perfect Rug Size for King Bed

Bring Out the Blow Dryer        

Try using beauty products on area rugs with longer piles (higher, plusher fibers). Brush out rug wrinkles gently while using a blow dryer and comb. To assist the fibers in relaxing before making a deep dent, lightly spritz the area with clean water using a spray bottle. 

To avoid melting or scorching the fibers, use a low heat setting and oscillate the hairdryer back and forth.

Apply the Ice Cube Technique

Are you fed up with dead spots? Use this ice cube method to remove rug dents caused by furniture. 

Overnight, place an ice cube on top of the indentation and let it melt. The fibers require time to absorb the water and swell before returning to their former shape, so you don't need to soak the dent entirely at once. Any remaining water should be absorbed the following day. Finish using the edge of a spoon or coin to rake the rug's strands back into position gently.

If your area rug's colors bleed while wet, you should avoid this technique. By carefully wiping the area with a towel, you can check for any potential dye fading. If the towel picks up any color, move on to a different rug-flattening technique. When treating stains, keep this in mind as well.

Tape Your Rug Down

Rug bumps and folds can be problematic, so we understand why you'd want to address them as soon as possible. Use carpet tape to secure your rug to the floor if it has minor buckling. Use heavy objects like plants, books, upright furniture, or mattresses to weigh down the rug by pushing back on its fibers.

To Smooth Out Rug Bumps and Waves, Turn Up the Heat

Turn your rug upside down and let gravity smooth out all the lumps, wrinkles, and waves. This strategy works incredibly well in hot weather; you can let the sun do the work or raise the temperature. It should be okay between 70 and 80 degrees.

Rug Corner Flattening With Folds and Weights

If the corners of your rug begin to lift off the ground, realigning the fibers is surprisingly simple. 

Fold the corners under toward the center of the rug to flatten them. Fold them for a day or two, and then check your progress. After unfolding the corners, try weighing them down to flatten a rug. Rearrange the furniture so that heavier items are in each corner.

When rug corners bend downwards, however, you may notice buckles or bumps in your area rug. Flip it over, so the pile faces the floor, then smooth it out with the same method.       

Roll Your Rug Backwards

A tight roll can result in bowed edges, whether you have a brand-new rug or are pulling an old favorite out of storage. Because rug bumps and folds are usually caused by stretching, reversing the direction of the stretch can help your rug lay flat. Listen for cracking sounds that indicate weakness when reverse rolling. To avoid damage, try another method if you hear many cracks.

Move Furniture to Avoid Future Dents

Move heavy furniture every few months to avoid future dents, wrinkles, and creases in your carpets and rugs. Moving large items an inch can allow you to fluff the carpet underneath and avoid permanent markings.

Regularly rotate your rug.

Sometimes shifting your furniture will only work if you have a small space. Rather than rearranging your floor plan, consider rotating your area rug seasonally to spread out the wear. Use a spot method such as melted ice cubes or your hairdryer to flatten new dents.

Set up a Rug Pad

What is the best way to flatten a rug? Place a rug pad beneath it. A rug pad adds extra cushion for walking comfort and trains your area rug to stay in place. Bring an end to curling, bunching, and other problems.


Taking care of household decor is not exhausting if you maintain it carefully. Area rugs are one of the critical and aesthetic pieces of your décor, so they need your full attention. If you want to buy a new one, consider the Rug Gallery in Columbus, Ohio, to get the best quality rugs at incredible prices. 

After purchasing a new rug, keeping it clean and smooth will be simple. Use any of the methods listed above to remove creases right away. You can avoid dents and creases in your newly soft rug by moving heavy furniture (even an inch) every few months or rotating it to even out the wear.

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